The Kitty Rescue



Hi Cami!
I just wanted to give you an update on Linus aka Luke (Luke Skywalker named by my kids).  Luke is a wonderful addition to our family.  He and Lexi are getting along fantastically.  They play constantly.  After the initial awful meeting, I never thought Lexi would warm up but they are quite close now.  I've included some pics of the little cuties.  As you can see, Luke has bulked up quite a bit... :)
Thank you so much -


Good morning Cami,
I just wanted to let you know that my new little girl is settling in and
having a good time!!  She is a little spitfire and never sits still
unless she is conked out!! :)  I'm having a blast watching her...she is
such a crackup!!  I named her Emerson, Emmy for short. :)  My other cat
Jasmine is making friends (slowly) and I know they'll have a good time
playing together!!
Thanks again for my new baby and for taking good care of your kitties!!
Have a good day!!


I'm writing you to give you an update on Kisi. She was been with us a week now and is finally starting to warm up to us and the house. I was worried she wasn't eating or drinking for a long time because she would never come out of hiding while Brandt and I were around. However, last night while we were home, she came out from her hiding spot and started eating food and drinking water in the open. As long as we didn't make eye contact with her, she was content with being in the open. She even used the litter box with us present. She has also turned in the quite the snuggler when its quiet and there isn't a lot going on. She laid on my bed with me and let me pet her and cuddle with her for 20 minutes the other day and today she laid there with me for about 40 minutes. She really loves to be petted and loved on, especially having her chin scratched. She has lost some weight but I think now that she is getting more comfortable, she will start putting it back on. She is still trying to snuggle up to our other cat but Frankie still isn't sure about her. He doesn't mind her being next to him, as long as she isn't touching him. However, I think soon they will be snuggling together too. He's starting to let her closer and closer and has stopped hissing at her when she comes around him. Thank you for such a great kitty. I think she will always be shy but I am confident that with some more time and lovin that she will start to be braver and like us more and more. Thanks again! :)


My son finally settled on the name O.J. I have tried repeatedly to change
> it, but to no avail ;-)
> O.J. is a very cute little guy (as you know). I've attached a picture of
> him when we first got him from you (at our cabin) and the other one is
> with one of our other kitties (Tabby) home here in Edmonds. Tabby is the
> youngest of our older kitties and he is 7. But, he still has lots of play
> in him and he puts up with the little obnoxious baby - he even sometimes
> appears to enjoy the chase ;-)
> O.J. is getting big and I think he will end up being one of those large
> orange cats (maybe a Morris). He does love his canned food and he is still
> on the kitten chow. He has a great appetite! Also, as you remember, he IS
> very vocal. He is cute in that when he gets lonely he will start crying
> and wandering around looking for someone. All in all, he is the most
> wonderful little cat.


Doodles is adjusting well to her new home. She is getting lots of cuddles and love here. Ginger adores her and gave her a tongue bath last night. Doodles even purred. Ginger seems to think doodles is her new baby.
Thanks for finding her for us and bringing her out to Petco so we could adopt her!
Laura (& Jay & Ginger)



    It's been a month now, and I wanted to tell you, that his name is MARVIN.
    It came to me while I was trying to feed Kota." If starvin Marvin would move,
    I could feed you." You didn't tell me what a chow hound, he is. He even checks
    Kota's bowl for food. It's pretty funny watching him do that. He even prefers
    to drink from her water bowl,which is raised. He stretches up to get to it.
       What a little card he is! I am starting to worry that he might get fat, he's
    really packed on the weight. He's doing very well and seems happy. Kota has
    taken to him, and we are a happy family! They even sleep together!
                                                              Well, take care and thank-you
                                                               for all you do!!!

Hi Cami.
> First night home I sat and talked to Ling until my throat was sore, I
> sat him on the couch in his cage and opened it while I was sitting
> there, then closed it when I had to get up.  When I went to sleep, I
> didn't mind you.  I sat the cage right in front of my face and opened
> the door.  At 3:00 am I felt someone was staring at me, opened my eyes.
> Ling was sitting on the back of the couch leaning over and smelling my
> face.  When I opened my eyes we both freaked, I screamed and I swear
> both of our eyes popped out like cartoon characters.  I didn't see Ling
> for two days unless you count the streak that would fly by.  Saturday he
> began hanging around the living room with me, not touching me yet but
> much closer.  I'm just staying real calm until he comes to me. He is so
> cute, I just love him already.  He's eating and drinking well.  This is
> going to be a great fit.  I don't know how I'm ever going to thank you.
> Let me know when you guys will be coming through town again.  I still
> have your cage and stuff.
> Thanks so much,
> Cindy


Hi!!!   You probably dont remember me, I adopted two little one's from you, a brother and sister, Pantera and Vixen.   Remember a couple of ladies with a red car leaking gas, who adopted two little black cats?    Well thats me.     I am sending you pictures like I promised, and I want to thank, you we love them.        Gely 

Hi Cami,

I’ve been wanting to write to you for a long time, but what better day to tell you how thankful we are than Thanksgiving!! We adopted the big black and white cat that you called Luke. We were all ready to choose a kitten when you took us to a different building to introduce us to more cats. Luke was terrified but sweet and I fell in love. When I brought my kids back to make the final choice they fell in love with him, too. My husband really didn’t want us to choose an adult cat so we were a little worried about how he would feel about Luke.

We named him Neville, after the character in the Harry Potter books who is fearful and bumbling, but in the end turns out to be one of the bravest and most noble. For 4 weeks we kept him in our laundry room. We would spend hours of each day coaxing him out from behind the dryer so that we could brush him and give him attention. Our dog was really curious about him as she loves cats, but he inflicted deep scratches on a couple of us when we were bringing him into the house for the first time and Bella came out to say hello. So, we kept them separate for 4 weeks, letting them smell each other in the same areas. My husband was annoyed.

Then we started letting him into the children’s rooms with supervision. We even caught my husband snuggling with him in our bed. Pretty soon, we had him visiting all the rooms of the house when the dog was outside. The laundry room was still his safe haven. The day we introduced him to the dog, Bella was very sweet. It was like she understood that he was afraid. She stayed really calm and let him inch closer to her to sniff and explore. They’ve been fine together ever since. His personality started to show through and we decided that we had misnamed him. He was a stinker! We don’t allow animals on our counters or tables. The first (and only) time I caught him on our table I just said, “No,” in a firm, but not loud, voice. He jumped right off the table and as soon as my back was turned he attacked my leg leaving me bleeding. It was very funny, if painful. He definitely meant to cause pain, and he definitely meant to do it in a sneaky way. He’s very smart!! He’s never again been on our counter or table.

We started referring to him as our juvenile delinquent. Our lost boy. He needed lots of love and the proof of time that we weren’t going to abandon him or hurt him. So, we’ve all, husband included, just poured on the love and affection. He has responded with loyalty and affection in turn. We thought that perhaps he never learned that he can control his claws, but he hasn’t taken his claws out at us in several months now. He communicates pretty clearly what he wants and needs (He’s so smart!).

He hasn’t done anything sneaky or aggressive in several months. He and the dog are good friends and are affectionate with each other. He seems really happy and we are so happy with him. In fact, just a few days ago my husband said while snuggling him, “I love this cat!”  

It’s a great adoption success story for our little lost boy. We are so thankful for him. He’s so full of affection and real cat love. We look forward to long lives together. Thank you for what you are doing, Cami!





Hi Cami,
I absolutely love my little Mia. I have been filled with so much happiness since I have her and I no longer feel lonely. I can not imagine ever living with out a pet in my life again. When I left my husband two years ago he kept our two dogs and that had placed a hole in my heart. Mia has filled that hole. She is very much loved. Thank you Cami. What a wonderful thing you are doing with your kitty rescue. I am sure you will appreciate the pictures of Mia.
                                     Take care -  Anne

Hi Cami, you probably don't know this but exactly a year ago today, you delivered a special package to our door.  You called her Baby at the time, we named her Kerrie.
Kerrie spent her first few days with us under the bed, coming out to eat and use her litter box when she thought we were sleeping.  Eventually she ventured out, but spent alot of her time diving back under there if one of us walked around.  Today she has the run of the house, and even comes out to see who rang the doorbell, or who pulled into the driveway.  We are her staff, feeding her only Fancy Feast Chicken w/gravy and Temptations treats, and opening the door for her when she wants in or out.  Not spoiled, our kittie...
Kerrie will never be a lap cat, although she does sleep next to my pillow every night.  She will not let me rest my hand on her while we sleep, but she will seek out my hand and sleep on it, purring loudly until she falls asleep.   When she wants me to get up and feed her breakfast, she will nibble on my hair or lick my nose.  She hates being picked up, but will rub on my legs once in awhile to let me know she does love me.  Other than that, she is not a touchy-feely cat.  She absolutely LOVES to play with her many many toys, especially her laser light and the shoe string she got out of my closet her first week here.
She adores G.A. from afar, sitting in the hallway watching him shave at the bathroom mirror.  She hates for him to be outside without her and will cry loudly to be let out if she sees him in the yard.  If she is sitting in her chair, he can pet her from time to time, as long as he doesn't linger too long.  And she loves sitting in his spot on the couch, or at his seat at the table.
We wanted to take the time to thank you for Kerrie and for your wonderful cause.  All the cats that have been in and out of your care are very blessed, just as we have been blessed with Kerrie.
G.A. & Jean


Good morning Cami
I just wanted to send you a quick update on our little piece of heaven.  He is such a character.  There is not a day that goes by that he does not warm our hearts, and fill us with smiles and laughter.  I want to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing with these animals in need.  You are amazing.
Take care,


Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to adopt our first kitty!! J “Buddy”, while a good name wasn’t really fitting for him, so we renamed him to “Felix”, after the Mariner’s pitcher of course. He acts kind of kingly and Felix Hernandez often gets called King Felix, so it fit on both that fact and the fact that “Felix” just sounded like a good kitty name. J


I purchased one of Cami's rescue cats and just wanted to let everyone know that she is awesome. (both the cat and Cami) Dot is exactly who Cami portrayed her to be and my small dog is in heaven having a housemate



Hi Cami,
I just wanted to let you know that Black Bear is doing great in his new home. I attached a couple picturers, one is our friend's 3 yr old carrying him around and the other is him cuddling with our other cat. He adjusted pretty fast and still learning our rules, but he is very well-behaved kitty.  Thanks again!




Cami, I just wanted to say "You are great!" :) These are some pictures of
our little Angel.... she and Meredith love each other! :)



another pic!!!
the funny story with this pic is that i just left my room to play with a friend and when i went into check on him cause i didn't hear him and to remind you i put his head on the pillow and covered him up with the blanket i didn't expect him to stay but we were cuddling together and my mom got this pic of when i walked in the room he was like that!!! lol !!!
Alexis and family

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